Idea's funding Idea's
We’re passionate about igniting unconventional ideas, and we personally know the value of having your creative vision backed by others. As such we want to believe and ignite the potential of others unique creative visions through Ideas funding ideas an annual opportunity providing small financial kickstarter grants and mentoring that will back peoples ideas towards reality without the need to commercialise them for ourselves. Throughout the year we will generate the funds through the sale of limited edition products and also accept donations that will go directly to people. A grant for ideas that normally wouldn’t fit traditional grant opportunities and importantly accessibly open to all, the young dreamers, the wrinkly dreamers and everyone in between, we want to enable dreamers the kickstart to believe that’s anything’s possible with an imagination. We’re democratically championing ideas, because we know backing peoples potential however small a contribution can have an everlasting impact, that will organically create a community of ideas funding ideas.
So while we are working on some creating fundraising products now, if you passionately want to back possibilities we’d love to donate here. 100% of donations will go directly to the ideas funding ideas fund. And the first set of grants will be awarded in 2023.
More details to come.
Please note 100% of your donation whatever you choose will go straight to the grant fund.